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Small Flathead Screwdriver

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This screwdriver is versatile and needed on most mobile phones and tablets; make sure to review the recommended tools we list for each device before finalizing your order.
  • Small Flathead Screwdriver made for small electronics
  • Easy to use Repair Tool
  • Strong and durable
  • Fast Shipping
  • Sold as-is; no refunds or returns
Product Description

This Small Flathead Screwdriver fits the head of a screw that has a single line head. offers a free plastic opening tool and adhesive strip with the purchase of any replacement part; but to complete the repair, more tools may be required. To get the most effective use out of a screwdriver for any given task, it is best to choose the screwdriver most suitable. The flathead serves as a screwdriver, miniature pry bar, a scraper, and a chisel. Having a flathead screwdriver only millimeters long is handy for small screws found in cell phones and other small electronics. offers a list of recommended tools with each replacement part, allowing you to know in advance what tools are needed to complete the repair. If needed, order the Small Flathead Screwdriver today!

* Sold as-is; no refunds or returns