Velvet 5G
- Black
- Gray
- Green
- Pink
- Silver
The LG Velvet 5G was released in the market on May 15th, 2020, boasting a high-resolution 2460 x 1080 pixel screen with FHD+ and 395 PPI. With an impressive 128 GB of memory, it is powered by a powerful Qualcomm Snapdragon processor. At Fixez, we offer competitive pricing on LG Velvet 5G screen repairs and our products are rigorously tested by experienced technicians to ensure they meet industry standards for quality and reliability. Our replacement screens are designed to fix issues such as discoloration, dead pixels, cracks, shatters, and unresponsiveness, all while keeping the repair cost affordable. Additionally, we offer a wide range of warranties and free shipping threshold options for your convenience.